Saturday, September 20, 2008

Who should be allowed to vote?

Currently, one must be 18 years old, not imprisoned in a penitentiary, and a citizen of the United States in order to vote. It is estimated that over 5 million Americans do not have the right to vote due to felony convictions. Some say that once a serious crime is committed, that person has given up their right to vote for a lifetime while others argue that voting rights must automatically be restored once that person has been rehabilitated back into society. What do you think? Should individuals be permitted to vote in elections even after being convicted of a crime or should they lose that right for good? If they do lose that right, what message does that send to individuals in society? If they keep that right, what message does that send? What about people who have immigrated to this country and have not yet become citizens-should they have a say in local, state, and federal governments even though they are not officially citizens? The policies of each level of government often directly impacts their lives and considering they pay taxes (sales, state, and/or income) should that guarantee them a voice in the government? *When posting, please use a name so you can talk back and forth to one another rather than to "anonymous." Thanks!*


Anonymous said...

I think that if you did something that wasnt bad enough to keep you away for your life, then once you are given all your other rights back and let out you should have your right to vote back. they have already been given there life back. they have paid for what they did, and are now trying to get their life back to the way it was. you give them their life back but then dont give them the right to vote? i think they should get the right to vote back when they get their freedom back.

Anonymous said...

everybody should vote beacause if they dont that is just messed up and Go america

Mrs. King said...

I am not sure how I feel about giving them the right to vote back (once they've served their time for their crime). However, I was wondering about this, if a felon can't own a gun for life, but is given the right to vote back, does this mean we should give them their right to own a gun back?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that 18 is a good age to be able to vote because thats when you become an adult and you become mature enough to vote. The age could be 20 too because you need to be mature enough to vote and make good decisions in who you vote for. People need to be serious about voting; it could effect thier life.

Anonymous said...

people get it together any one should b able 2 vote...y shouldnt people be able to vote. people should be taking advantage of this

Anonymous said...

Well...everyone should be able to vote.because the people that get voted in are goin to be in charge of their country and government.

Mike Honcho said...

so im going with as long as you havent done anything super bad like killed someone or raped a child/Women or man(cause men can get raped too) then you should be able to vote


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Petunna!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think that once people get out of prison,or pay the price for their consequences that they should be allowed to vote. Once they're out they are free again so why shouldn't they be allowed to vote. I don't think that people living here from another country and are not yet a citizen should be allowed to vote. If they are in the process of getting there citizenship then I think that it's okay,but if they are just living here and didn't even try for it,that they shouldn't have a say in what happens in our government.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i mean who wouldnt agree with me...people who have made a crime should not be able to vote because they obvisualy cant fallow the laws.but other people should most def. take advantages of this

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I really don't know if you should get the right to vote after you serve your time. I guess it would have to depend on how bad of an offense you committed. To the other question about if you aren't a citizen I say no. If you aren't a citizen of our country then I think you have no right to vote about what happens in our country.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with Mike Honcho

Anonymous said...

well im guessing that 18 and older should

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i think they should be able to vote again cause they did thier time and shouldnt loose there rights cause they made a mistake in life they should keep there rights cause we are all equal suposibly and if we are so should the felons

Anonymous said...

I think everyone should be allowed to vote. it's our life.
Oh my goodness.
God bless the U.S.A! (fo shizzle)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i think that almost all people
should be able to vote.
immigrants should be able to vote if they are only waiting to get their seven years
if they take the test then they should be able to vote
the only time a prisoner should have there right to vote taken away is like when they are in for a really long time or with repeated offenses

Anonymous said...

I think that once you lose your right to vote, you should have to earn it back. I think that once you turn 18 you should be allowed to vote. Because once you turn 18, you are an adult. and should be able to handle all of the responsibilities. and take things like that seriously.

Honda racer said...

I think that once a felon loses that right they can not earn it back. I also agree with Mrs. King, if we allow them the right to vote after they have served their time does that also mean that we should allow them to be able to purchase a fire arm after they get out?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think that 18 is a good age to be able to vote because thats when you become an adult and you become mature enough to vote. The age could be 20 too because you need to be mature enough to vote and make good decisions in who you vote for. People need to be serious about voting; it could effect thier life.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Everyone should vote, Brother!

A said...

I feel that the people who have been convicted on felony should be, perhaps after a period of observation, be given back their right to vote. Because despite their crime, they are citizens of the country, are influenced by the changes in government and so should be able to decide who they want in power.

Unknown said...

I think 18 is a very good age to start voting. Any younger and you're perhaps not mature enough to decide our next Prez/Veep.'


ahunts said...

i think that individuals who once commited a crime should still have the right to vote depending on their crime. However if the crime is very serious such as rape,murder,or anything else of that sort i think that they should lose their right to vote once they go to prison.I think they should lose their right to vote because if they are not following societies rules and laws why should society allow them to have any say in political matters.

ahunts said...
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kmndrkool said...

If a person is in jail during an election they should surely not be able to vote mostly because in jail they have no rights anyway. If a person commits a felony and is later released from prison they should have to pay an extra debt to society, such as community service, or prove that they deserve to vote to regain their right. Anything less then a felony should not effect your ability to vote. Also if your not a legal citizen of the united states the there is no reason for you to be able to vote.

JoAnne Bennett said...

Really, if you committed a crime then you are not fallowing the Laws of America. So why would you get a choice/ chance to vote when you don’t really even care? You should just deal with it and let the people that have an understanding and a respect for laws and America vote.

Anonymous said...

i think the legal voting age should stay at 18 because most high schoolers have a limited knowledge of national issues. when you get out in the world, you become more familiar with its problems. i also think that voting rights should be given to reformed criminals. people like tookie williams who work to fight the crimes they once committed should be reinstated in the democracy that they have returned to.

Tara Ashe said...

I think that people who have committed serious crimes should not be able to vote. However, it depends on the crime. I consider serious crimes things like murder, stealing, and basically anything that could harm another person. In a case like this they should not be able to vote because I think once they commit a crime like that, that they shouldn't be able to contribute to decisions concerning the country and the people.
As for people who recently immigrated to the US, i think they should have a few years of residency before they can vote.

Alysha said...

If you were to commit a crime I do not think that you should now or ever have your voting rights given back. This is because you failed to follow the original rules and rights of America. Voting is a right just as driving is and when you fail to follow rules the right should be taken away.

alena said...

I believe that once a person has committed a crime and has paid for it by serving time that he/she should be able to vote once they are out of jail/prison. Everyone makes mistakes, and a person who commits a crime is still an American citizen and should be allowed a voice. I think that this way of handling the situation would show Americans that the gov. truly cares about everyones opinions. I don't think that those who are not yet citizens should have the right to vote, that would be the equivalent to an American going into another country and trying to tell them how to run things. Though once anyone becomes a citizen they are given all the rights of others.

Anonymous said...

I think that you should be allowed to vote since the age of 18, because most of them still attend to school or just left it, so they have a chance to learn about the candidates and the election system. Most of the people who are unprepared and do not know who to vote for, don't vote in the end, and the elections need almost all votes and so the young people who are allowed to vote should be taught abut it and so that they feel ready to pass their vote.

trevors said...

I think that if you have whent or been in prison then you should not have the right to vote. If you are not a citizen and you want to vote, go back home because we dont want you to.

Pyper Carstens said...

I think that they should be able to vote if they are a felon. I mean yeah they have committed a crime but they should be able to vote on who they're choice to run our country is. Don't let them have armed guns but give them a piece of paper and a pencil and vote for man's sake!!!! they are locked up and stuff. voting for prsident is important and all people in the country should be able to pick. It's not like your letting them free of jail or anything.

KJJ said...

I think that when a felon has paid their crime then they should have the right to vote again. When they have gotten out for whatever they have done they are once again with people that haven't gotten in trouble so they are back in with everyday normal life with other people.

blogger_101 said...

I do not think that felans should have the right to vote. They should only get one chance and if they screw it up then there isn't a second one. I feel that society has worked this way this long, it shouldn't be changed. Go Rockets!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that people 16 and older should be aloud to vote unless they have a mental disability, or they have been in jail. They also should have to be a U.S. citizen. I think kids should have a say in things and people should actually listen but its not like that.

obama101 said...

I think that if you can get a job at the age of 16 then you should be able to vote.

Anonymous said...

okay, first of all...if someone has committed a crime, and it has nothing to do with voting, then their voting rights shouldn't be taken away. man..people these days.....
And as for the immigrants..i could go on all day about how they use our country to their advantages but I don't have time for that. The people who have lived here all their lives and have tried hard to get somewhere in life, instead of just having it handed to them because of lets say, their race, should be the only people allowed to vote because obviously they are the ones that care about our country and want to work towards making it better.

Anonymous said...

I think that if you are allowed to be back into society after being convicted as a felon, then you should also be able to vote. Obviously you have changed or you would still be in prision.

Anonymous said...

I don't really know, but I would say that 18 is a good age to be able to start voting. I don't think it's a bad thing that felons can't vote, but I wouldn't say they shouldn't be able to vote. I believe that everyone should be able to vote. I don't understand why felons can't vote, there's no reasonable reason why they can't/shouldn't, I think.

pdxdash said...

Losing the right to vote after a conviction of felony sends the message that, committing a crime un-americanizes you. If one is to lose their unalienable rights for such an ordeal seems to be the law we've lived by for so long. However, I do believe that after rehabilitation (in most cases) the right to vote should be restored.

Anonymous said...

I feel that if a person is cnvicted of a felony and then has paid their due, they become free again. If their old enough to buy ciggs or beer they be able to vote when they want.

Anonymous said...

(Response to "Mrs.King") I don't see how felons owning a gun is relevant to weather or not they should be allowed to vote. I think everyone should be able to vote.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that once you've been convicted as a felon you should get your right to vote back, you've gave it up when you got busted in the first place. If we gave felons the right to vote back it would send the message that even after you had done something bad enough to have your right to vote taken away you would get it back so there wasn't really a reason to take it in the first place. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time as they used to say. I also don't think that people who aren't officially citizens should be allowed to vote because if they want to live here and vote on the issues they should take the time to go take the friggen test and become a citizen so they can vote.

Anonymous said...

I thank that 18 is a good age because you are more likely to understand what is going on & care about what you are voting for. If the voting age was lower then I don’t thank I would have voted any ways because I didn’t understand what was going on exactly.
If you have committed a crime then I thank that you shouldn't have a say in the voting until your crime has been waved. I thank that if you are a citizen then yes you should have a say.

Anonymous said...

it's somewhat of a worry t have people who are ex felons out there voting because of their bias or their views i honestly do not feel safe under that aspect. yes people have their rights but if you do something bad enough to have them removed for other's safety those others should continue to have their safety. no man should be punished for punishment out of vengeance or for the shear sake of punishment and making it up to them by being just as negative to them. but rather a matter of everyones safety. and to protect people's safety i make the move for keeping those who were ok with making those kind of mistakes from causing as much harm as possible. i also understand that they could be ill accused and therefore might be able to get a trial for their rights to vote back. But like many others it's a matter of opinion and i stand for you throw your rights away you threw them away

Anonymous said...

of course on the other issues there are age i'm just referencing ne issue in my last comment or was rather. for age 18 works well for many reasons i do not particularly want to list. though for people i think that it shouldn't be everyone here but rather citizens; if you aren't a legal citizen then you are affected differently by the law nor are you even here legally. you are not a part of the crowd so you don't get a say is a lot what it sounds like but that's not really the reason. i am not against people trying to make their lives better but i am against people influencing another country against the it stands i do not know how easy that is but i thought i'd bring up the issue or at least some of it for discussion.
when it comes to serving time i talked about felons but i saw someone say it depends on how severe the crime and i agree with that. it does depend on that as well as what type of crime the individual committed. though any crime does show some lack of common sense so how should it be restricted; i mean should we then have tests to vote or what? as it stands to many people who can't vote wisely can and visa versa but the fact is not really age but knowledge and how do we determine it. personally i think those who have had the lack of thinking power to commit crimes shouldn't be able to vote for many reasons. but that kinda system isn't always accurate and people who haven't served time or committed a crime shouldn't be the ones who vote. so as a topic for discussion that's something i'd bring up.

Anonymous said...

I think that once you have been to jail, you should not be allowed to vote. If they would be able to, the government would go chaotic! The criminals would vote for the worst choices. If you've commited a crime, you lost your vote. SIMPLE AS THAT!

Anonymous said...

Well Ithink that if you are old enough to understand what you are voting for then you should be able to vote.

rico m. said...

i think every one should vote who doesnt have a criminal record.go usa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that everone that is able to vote now should be able to vote. I also think that anyone that has a job or is in the military should be able to vote.

Anonymous said...

I dont think they should be allowed to vote. If they want to do the crime they should be able to live with the consequences, which means they shouldnt get to vote.They will suffer for their crime. They shouldnt of done the crime if they want to vote........Go America!! :)

Pyper Carstens said...

yes i think that you should be able to vote unless your not a U.S citizen. GO ROCKET SOFTBALL

Anonymous said...

I think anybody that is able to understand what elections, and politics are about. If they can understand that, they should be able to vote.

Anonymous said...

well anyone should be able to vote, i don't think that just cuz they are convicts that they cant. technically they are over 18 and are legal citizens.

Anonymous said...

I think every one over 13 should have a say in who becomes president because our future depends on it and people all wish for a good future and not get put in another depresion.

Anonymous said...

I think after you serve your time you should be able to vote! If you are able to get out of jail/prison you should be able to vote! It is a form of freedom of speech! And no matter what you do as long as you serve your time you should be able to vote! You are apart of this counrty and deserve to have your word in it. Plus your vote may not even matter! So what difference does it make???

taylor said...

In my opinion i agree with being 18 or older to vote. 18 is a good mature age and people under 18 don't really understand what the canidates are portraying to the U.S.

Anonymous said...

I think that you should be able to vote even if you have committed a serious crime. Just because a person has a bad past doesnt mean that they dont know what they are talking about or that their voice doesnt matter. Although i do beleive 18 is a good age to vote. I think that you are mature enough then, and hopefully understand that voting is not a joke and it does matter.

Dthur/Khoeft said...

So... I read a lot of these comments and hmm about half of them make any sense at all. The right to vote is a privilege not a right. Ontop of that you should have to be well informed to even cast a vote, not an age. Many people just walk in there without a care on who they vote for then end up voting fortheir friend. So all in all age shouldn't matter, knowing what is up should, and for all you felons who read this. Don't do bad things.

Anonymous said...
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jknight said...

I think they should be able to vote

Anonymous said...

I think that the current age for voting is pretty good. 18 is a time when you become a more mature person and often start really paying attention to politics. It really starts to affect you directly if you when you start looking at colleges, which could be really expensive, depending on our leadership, and house prices as well as taxes. These financial worries that most young adults will have, will lead them to care about what's going on in the election.

Anonymous said...

I think that 18 is a good age to start voting. Its the time when you start being an adult and really know what is happening in the world. Also you start maturing more at that age. And most people under 18 do not really pay attention to politics, and do not really understand what is going on. Also i think that if you lose the right to vote, you should have to earn it back. It should not just be given back to you.

Anonymous said...

I think that everyone should be able to vote. even if you dont know what your talking about you should because i said so!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that if you are an American Citizen then you should be able to vote,after the age of 18. I think everyone should care enough to vote also. 18 is a good number because then you are more informed after all of your schooling.

Anonymous said...

I think that anyone that is eighteen and older should vote. I think that if you are convicted of a crime and it is anything but a rape or murder then you should have the right to vote once you are released from your sentence. I believe that if you are not an American Citizen then you should not vote because you should not even be a part of the U.S. It would not even affect the person who is voting when there not a citizen but it would affect the people who are citizens.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, 18 is the perfect age for people to vote. By this time, people are generally mature enough to make smart decisions and vote for candidates based on their views on issues rather than how cool the candidate seems to be. I think only citizens of our country should be allowed to vote. This means that if immigrants come to our country and have not received citizenship, then they shouldn’t be allowed to vote. They have not earned that right yet. Once they have gotten citizenship, then they should be allowed full voting rights.

Anonymous said...

To vote I think you should have to be at least 18 years of age. I agree with not being allowed to vote while imprisoned, but if you have been released from prison you should be able to vote because that does not affect your decision on who vote for. If a convicted felon loses the right to vote I think that it sends a message to society that the government doesn’t believe in your ability to turn your life in a positive direction. I think everyone, besides people currently imprisoned, should be allowed to vote.

Anonymous said...

I think that depending upon the crime committed that everyone should have the right to vote. If someone is in jail at the time of an election they shouldn’t be allowed to vote. They made the decision that landed them there and they should be prepared for the consequences, but I think that after someone is released and have paid they’re dues they should be given the right to vote back. If we take away their voice by not letting them vote then I think that could be considered unfair. I would also like to comment on what was said by Mrs. King. You said that if someone has lost the right to own a gun I think it completely irrelevant to if they are allowed to vote or not. A gun can be a dangerous weapon where as voting just lets your voice be heard.

Anonymous said...

I think that if you are 18 years of age and you are an actual citizen of the United States, I think that you should be able to vote. I think that people that have been in prison should not be able to vote because if you have been in prison you have done a bad crime that should not allow you to pick the next president of the United States. I personally think that we need to keep our voting restrictions the same or even stricter to prevent people who don’t know the right from picking our president.

Anonymous said...

I think that everyone of the legal voting age should be able to vote. After you are 18 you should know about politics enough to make a good decision of who it would be best to vote for, even if you have committed a crime or have done something bad.

Anonymous said...

I agree that 18 is a good age for voting rights. I think if the age limit was any younger then it wouldn’t be taken seriously. I also think that if people are trying to get their lives back on track, then after their other rights are given back they should be given the voting right back as well. I believe that if someone is an immigrate that they shouldn’t be allowed to vote because they aren’t citizens of this country and if the don’t like the rules of the government then they shouldn’t have come here. On the other hand if they have become a citizen then of course they would have the right.

Anonymous said...

I believe that every American citizen should have the right to vote. Those that are of age to vote should know the essentials of our government. They should be smart enough to make the decision for them selves. That is the reason we have specific classes in school, to teach us about the society we live in today and which president we think would be best for the future of our country. On the issue of criminals being able to vote, I think that they should not have the right. If they are so dim-witted enough to commit a crime they knew was the immoral they should not be allowed to vote.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I think that people should care about our government. Why you ask because the more that you get involved the more you know what is going on. I mean why stay quite and not voice you opinion on decisions made by the government, remember we do have to right of free speech. Why wait and let someone make a decision for you when you can do it your self. We also have to live with that decision in the long run.

Anonymous said...

I feel that if you are an American citizen then you should have the right to vote, I think that the age rule should be lowered to seventeen. I know that the government is worried about responsibility but then again this century does grow up fast. If you know what you are doing and feel positive about how you feel then you should be able to voice your opinion, as far as having a felony I think if you did your time you should most definitely have a chance to vote.

Anonymous said...

I think everybody from the age 16 – 100 should be able to vote. Even if they are in prison, if they are in prison they are still a human being and all human beings should have a right to vote. The constitution gives everyone the freedom of speech and to me that gives everyone the right to vote. When people get out of jail, they should have a right to vote because if the president election came down to one vote and there was nobody left to vote but convicts and ex convicts we would have a messed up election and it would be a tie. I don’t understand why kids can’t vote. They are human beings and some kids are really into the election and other stuff like that. I say let kids vote it won’t hurt anybody.

Anonymous said...

I believe that you should have be a United States citizen to be able to vote in a United States election. It just makes sense. I think this way because if we let people who are not citizen’s vote then how do we as citizens be sure our concerns are being herd. What would happen if we had people who aren’t even concerned with the welfare of our country controlling what is going on in it? We have enough problems with getting everyone’s votes counted as it is. Why create more problems?

Anonymous said...

I think that people should be allowed to vote once they get out of prison because if you take away their right to vote that goes against the Constitution. The Constitution gives everyone the freedom of speech to say what they want, which to me includes the right to vote because that is, in a way, a form of speaking and telling your opinion of who should be in office. If everyone who was sent to jail were not allowed to vote a large percentage of citizens would not be allowed to vote because many people have been to jail if only for a short time for some menial crime. Eventually more ways could be found to keep people from voting and the country could end up being a monarchy where the government can do whatever they want and have whoever they want in office because no one would be able to vote for a reason like not letting people vote if they’ve ever gone to jail. No one would have a say in what the government does.

Anonymous said...

I think immigrants should have the right to vote even though they are not citizens yet because they will be living in the united states like every body else. It also won’t be fair if they can’t vote because the government and president will have control over them like if they were citizens.

Anonymous said...

I think that everyone over sixteen should be able to vote. It shouldn't matter if you’re not from this country as long as you’ve been here for more than three years. A criminal record shouldn’t stop people from voting. The reason I think this is because making this choice can affect everyone in America.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to voting I believe that if you have committed a terrible felony, like murder, you should not be able to vote. If you just steal something you should still be get the chance to vote because that’s not the worst thing you could ever do. But if you kill or rape a person than you should never be able to vote because if you are committing these crimes you cannot be very stable minded. Even if they are released from jail after killing someone, that person should never get the chance to vote. They may not have changed all of their ways.

Anonymous said...

I think if you committed a crime that isn’t bad like stolen a car or something not so bad, you should be allowed to vote after getting out of jail. If you commit a crime that is really bad like killing or raping someone you shouldn’t have the right of voting even after you get out (if you do get out).I also think that age 18 is the perfect age to actually get to vote because your mature enough to decide what’s going on with the government and who to vote for.

Anonymous said...

If you were born in the United States, then you should be allowed to vote for a president. Once you are 18 years old you have the right to vote, because you are now an adult and you become mature to your vote. I think people that don’t live in the country or that are not citizens shouldn’t be allowed to vote because; they at least have to be a citizen.

Anonymous said...

I think that if you live in America and you are from another country you should be able to vote because you are in the U.S. And you are like other citizens. Even if you have a felony I think you should still be able to vote because the new laws can still affect them.

Anonymous said...

I think immigrants 18 years of age and older should be allowed to vote once they have officially become a citizen of the United Stated and have legal papers. I also think that criminals with records should be allowed to vote because once they get a job they pay taxes; just because a person as made a mistake in they life doesn’t mean there bad.

Anonymous said...

Truly if you get grounded don’t you get the privilege back when you have done the time? I fell that if you have served your time and you are out of the pen. That you should be able to vote, if you pay taxes that you should be able to vote. And let’s talk about immigrants if we just made them citizens. We would not only be a bigger country, but I mean they are the only people who actually want to make there lives better. Most people who do live her piss away there life’s because they don’t care. Well you want to know what, go to a country were you don’t get the right to do a lot of stuff, like vote. Then come back and tell me whether or not you truly want the right to vote.

Anonymous said...

I think that if you are at least a junior, then you can vote because we study this stuff in school and you would know what you were talking about. So the age would be around 16 to 17. Only if you have good grades in your classes though maybe so that you are sure they know what they are talking about.

Anonymous said...

18 is a great age to vote. That’s the age you become an adult but I think age 21would be better because you would be more mature. Here is an example if your drinking you should know how to control it by not doing any crime. I see this is like a little test, if you pass you should be able to vote because that shows that your mature. Its better off to 21 than 18 because you’ll have 3 years out in the real world and when you 18 you just become an adult.

Anonymous said...

I think that once your eighteen you should be allowed to vote and even if you’re not from America you should still be allowed to vote because once you’re in America you have your rights. Also I think the prisoners should be able to vote also because they are also apart of the state and should have the right to pick their president.

Anonymous said...

I think that citizens, immigrants and illegal immigrants 18 and over should be able to vote. I also think that people who have committed a serious crime should vote once they get out of prison. Immigrants should be able to vote because they could be waiting for their papers to come while the time to vote is near. Illegal immigrants should be able to vote event though they are not a citizen, because they pay taxes just like a regular citizen. I think that once people get out of jail they can vote because they gain their rights back and they are paying tax.

Anonymous said...

I think all citizens have the right to vote and even individuals who have been convicted of a crime. If they lose the right to, I think that’s not fair because everyone has their rights. They should be able to because voting is based on different people’s opinions. If they keep this right I don’t think it would send a bad message to society. Everyone has the right to vote including people who made mistakes in life. That’s where you learn from your mistakes.

Anonymous said...

I think that we should be allowed to when we turn 18 because if we let minors vote it will
become chaos due to the fact that minors don’t know much about democracy. Most kids will just tell all their little friends to vote for a specific campaign runner for the fun of it and it might not be fair to the adult part of the voting. Immigrants from other countries that have moved to the U.S should have at least some part of voting if they know the difference of what each campaign runner is looking for. Citizens with a criminal record should not be allowed to vote anymore after being convicted of a serious crime they have committed in the past.

Anonymous said...

I think that everyone should have the right to vote even immigrates. No one should have any right to tell anyone not to vote. They came here to get a better life and telling them that they can’t vote it just not right. Immigrates do a lot in the United States like work in fields, and they bring new inventions.

Anonymous said...

I think individuals shouldn’t be permitted to vote in elections after being convicted of a crime. They should lose that right for good. I believe that should not have that right because they should have to pay for there crime. Also when they were committing the crime they should know that there are other consequences besides going to jail. All in all I think they should lose that right because they don’t deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Well I think that people that move to the United States and have settled here for a long time should have the right to vote. The reason is because once coming to the United States everyone has a right to free speech. These people are working, paying taxes and adding more to our environment. That’s why I think immigrants should have the right to vote for what they believe in.

Anonymous said...

I agree with some of these people. Eighteen is the perfect age to start voting, because you're older and understand a lot more. I also think that felons shounldn't have the right to vote because obviously they can't follow rules...And again I think that illegal citizens should too have the right to vote if they are older than eighteen.

Anonymous said...

I think all human beings should be able to vote if you live in America or not than you should have all your rights to vote. Even criminals, people in prison or jail should be able to vote just for the fact that they are on earth and are citizens in this world.

Anonymous said...

I totally disagree with Jerry because 16 years old is way too young because they aren’t very responsible. I think people should be able to vote at the age of 21. People 21 and older are more responsible because they’ve had more experience. But I do agree that people in prison should be able to vote because they still live in the United States.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Marina. Illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote because if they pay taxes they should have the same rights as American citizens and that means that they should have the right to vote. Just because they’re not legal citizens of the US that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be allowed to vote. They do the same things that Americans do and I think that qualifies them enough to gain the right to vote for their future. I also think that prisoners in jail should be allowed the right to vote because they watch TV and they are informed about what is going on in the world. Just because they committed a crime that doesn’t mean that they don’t care about what is going on in society and I think that if we gave them the right to vote then they would just to make the world a better place. Yes, they have committed a crime but I’m pretty sure that everyone has committed a crime once in their lifetime and taking away their right to vote just because they committed a crime is wrong in many ways. Just because some people are American citizens doesn’t mean that they care about the future of America and what’s going to happen once the president goes into power. They just vote for the candidate that they like and that doesn’t help anything at all because they’re just voting for who they want instead of voting on the issues at hand. That’s why I think that the voting age should be lowered to 17 because some teenagers really do care about the economy and the environment. This is America after all, people should have the right to vote even if they’re in prison or they’re not a legal citizen.

Anonymous said...

I think that people 21 or older should vote. They have more experience and are more responsible. Prisoners should be able to vote too because they are still U.S. citizens and have a right. Immigrants should vote too because they live in the U.S. for example, Russel Crowe has lived in the U.S. for a while and he still can’t vote.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I think that as long as you are american you should have every right to vote. Even if you had a criminal record just because you had did a crime you should still vote its not right to take voting away for lifetime its shouldn't be that way, they should take a year of voting if they did a crime but once again not a lifetime. People got to think about it if we take voting away from criminals lease people will be voting, they need to think outside the box whats right for them and whats right for the citizen. People should voting only if you live in the United States why should we have opther people vote fromother countries? They don't live here

Anonymous said...

I believe that anyone should be able to vote as long as they are a citizen in the U.S.,
Because they live here and they should have a right to be part of our government and help decide who is to be the president of our country. And on the issue of the inmates I believe that they shouldn’t have a right to vote, they should lose their right to vote after they break the laws that we have created, put in place, and enforced for decades.

Anonymous said...

In my oponion i think that they should allow everyone to vote. Accept the fact that they should let the ones that have been in prison they should give them at least one chance to vote. Also the illegal people that have been here for over more then 7 years the should let them vote because their like a citzen. 18 is a good age to vote because you are more likely to now more about the campains n stuff so you could now how to vote. Its not could just to pick who ever when you vote becaus that can take an effect on our country if we dont vote for the right one.I think that everyone that cares about our country should have the right to vote and take it serious.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion I think that people who have felony convictions should not have a right to vote. When they decided to break the law is when they decided that they don’t want to be a part of the US. Even though they are free from the prison doesn’t take back what they did before. And for the lady that brought up the gun idea. I’m pretty sure that carrying a gun and getting your voting options taken away are two completely different things altogether.
My opinion on the immigrants that come here that are not citizens are some what the same as convicts. I think that to be able to vote for our president that they should be a good citizen and not some person that just comes every once in a while to our country. If they go through all the paper work and everything that they have to do to become a citizen, then okay. They have a right to vote after that

Anonymous said...

In my opinion I think that people that are 16 and above should be able to vote because they should be able to decide on their own. People that are 16 are more mature and they are about to become adults. I think 16 year olds should know what is right from wrong.
I also don’t think that people that have done a crime should not be able to vote. Because they break the rules as an American Citizen, that is their fault. People should not have the right to vote if they have committed a crime it’s just not right. It’s their fault they don’t want to be part of the United States.

Anonymous said...

When you go to prison you lose many rights as an individual. That means you should lose your right to vote as well. Why do they get to participate with people that haven’t done something to get them in to trouble? Yes when the people are convicted they are not technically citizens anymore.
Also I think that you should be at least 16 and older to vote. Now a days there are so many young people wanting to vote but they cant.

Anonymous said...

I definitely think that the age for voting should not be moved down, if anything, it should be made higher. Some people think that you should be able to vote when you’re 16 or 15 or whatever, but be honest with yourselves…how much does a 16 year old really know about taxes or stock market fluctuations? How many 16 year olds are eligible to go to war, should teenagers really be allowed to vote on changes in policies if the policies don’t directly affect them (obviously everyone is affected through a chain)? Granted some students are very aware of current events and what is happening, but have some patience, you’ll have your turn.

Anonymous said...

Well anyone should be able to vote, I don't think that just cause they are convicts that they can’t. Technically they are over 18 and are legal citizens. I think anybody that is able to understand what elections and politics are about. If they can understand that, they should be able to vote.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, anyone should be able to vote no matter what. Not all people that have been accused of committing a crime are guilty. People get framed many times, & many people commit crimes because they have to, & if they have served there time then they have done what they were told by the law, they should have the right to vote. People that have yet to become citizens of our country should have the same right everyone else has; after all they are going to become citizens right? I think anyone living in our country should have a right to vote because they’re part of our country.

Anonymous said...

Once you commit a crime then you get all of your privileges taken away, but if you make it up and all that you should be allowed to get you’re voting rights back. Once you turn 18 then you’re on your own and have to learn to be dependent and make choices by your self so I think that everyone should be allowed to vote. Criminal or not everyone has the right to vote and should use the opportunity wisely.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I think people have the right to vote even if you have already done the time. Just because you commented a crime doesn’t mean you have to be judged all your life time. You just may think that they don’t care but you don’t know what drove him/her to do the crime. It could have been a blackmail or family thing that was happening. So not all the time, it is because they don’t care about what is happening in the United States. It is because sometimes they don’t have a choice. So in my opinion they have a right to vote.

Anonymous said...

I give a shout out to the people of Eastern Oregon. What’s up! Different people have different opinions of what they think about voting. I think that eighteen is the perfect age to vote. By the time voting comes around and they are the age of eighteen they would already know a lot about the government and how it works.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, once you turn 18 you should be able to vote. The majority of citizens who turn 18 are becoming more mature and more responsible, yet because they just turned into adults. Everyone who is 18 and above should have already in mind that voting is a very important thing to do in their lives. It doesn’t just effect the government, it also affects their lives. If one wants a change in something, they should choose the leader who will believe and take change in what they want. At the age 18, the majority know most about politics and what they want as a change. Anyone who is 18 and above should have every right to input their opinions and votes.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Alec, but I do not agree with you. For one thing, I believe that 16 years old is not old enough to vote. I, myself, am only 16 years old and do not believe that anyone at this age is mature. I mean, kids our age are drama queens over what we wear on the first day of school… How is that mature enough to vote? Much less make decisions for a country…
Also, I believe that although you are right on the fact that criminals have lost certain privileges when they commit a crime, it shows something when we trust them enough to let them out into the world with others, but not enough to trust them to vote…

Anonymous said...

On the issue of felons having their right to vote denied, i believe that that is wrong to an extent. By that i mean that the right to vote should be denied if the crime commited is bad enough such as contempt, acts of terrorism, etc. Every u.s citizen has the RIGHT to vote, and rights cannot be taken away.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Liz W., if you aren’t legally a part of our country you shouldn’t be able to decide what’s going on in our country. It’s ridiculous, like us voting for what is going on in another country. Honestly I really don’t know about the felony and voting, I would have to know what the crime was. A lot of felons are crazy people though, so I guess its safer to have them not vote and have the law abiding citizens choose the next president, even though some of them aren’t the best either.

Christina said...

I think you should not be allowed to vote if you committed a crime. Obviously you did something wrong to go behind bars you should not get many privileges. I know that a lot of people mess up, but not anything where you go behind bars. That’s way more serious! You never know if one of those convicted felons was a complete and total psychopath! He or she can be voting for our next President? Our President who leads us for at least the next four years.

Anonymous said...

I think that if someone committed a huge crime, they shouldn’t be able to vote. I agree with Mrs. King with what she said. It is so true. But, if they commit something little, they should not have their voting rights taken away from them.

Anonymous said...

I think that everybody including the people that have been convicted for doing something terrible has a right to vote; only if they have been rehabilitated then they can get their rights back so they can vote. I also think that people that have immigrated here from where ever shouldn’t have rights to vote but if they are tying to be a citizen then it would be alright for them to votewmwajdx

Anonymous said...

I think that once you’ve been to jail you have done your time so you should be able to have another chance because some people that go to jail are not all bad people but made a mistake and should get another chance. There is a lot of people who do a crime to survive and they did what they had to do so I think that they should get a second chance. There are a lot of people that vote that have done a crime but just never got caught and they are always trying to get the young people to vote and a lot of them have done bad but some times they did what they had to do.


Anonymous said...

Mrs. King

I agree with you. If someone has done something wrong but are given the right or freedom back what do you think they will do most likely? Go out and do it again. Voting is a very serious cause in the United States or anywhere for that matter. If we allow people with bad reputation for the state or police (however you want to state it) get their freedom back what kind of voting do you think they will do?
To answer your question in my opinion too much of the time America does give them their guns back. Or whatever it was that got them into the penitentiary. To America they served their time and now they are free. It’s not right or fair.

Anonymous said...

I think the voting age 18 is an according compromise. I think that at this age most people have the maturity and voting skills necessary to make decisions on more than inadequate subjects such as dress and appearance. As for the subject of voting rights being annulled for any reason, my opinion is that that is completely hypocritical. Just because someone committed a felony as bad as it may be, that does not take away their status as human beings or that of U.S. citizens. Voting is a blessing, and in this country a right and denying this right from any United States Citizens contradicts what this great nation stands for.

Anonymous said...

I think that 18 is a good age to vote

Anonymous said...

I think that people who have been convicted of a felony shouldn’t be able to vote. This sends a message that if you are going to be bad you are not going to get rewarded by being able to vote. If you want to vote then don’t get in trouble with the law. I think immigrants should be able to vote, only if they plan to become a citizen in the next year. I believe if they pay taxes, sales, state, and income they should have a say in what goes on because they are actually helping the government.

Anonymous said...

I think they should vote because they live in America and their vote could matter if there’s a tie between the two candidates. I agree with Brody, imprisoned people should be able to vote if the crime is a little one. Immigrants should be able to vote because if they have to pay taxes then they should be able to vote for our president. America is a free country and that means people which ever race, color, born or not in America should be able to vote.

Anonymous said...

I agree with kendee lee you should be able to vote if you have commited a crime but if your out of jail GO BULLDOGS

Anonymous said...

(To Mrs king) The right to vote is different than the right to own a gun. The second constitutional right obviously cannot be handled by some people, but it is hard to injure someone by voting. Hence taking away the right to vote has nothing to do with an ex felony. When was the last time an ex-felon hurt somebody by voting? Sure you may argue that a felon doesnt have the right voting skills to vote for a good candidate. But dont we all have our own views on what a "good" candidate is?

Anonymous said...

I think that anyone who is a citizen should be able to vote. The reason I think this is because it wouldn’t be right if some citizens get to vote and others didn’t just because of there past. In the U.S. we are supposed to be able to have freedom and be able to speak our opinion. By not letting some people vote there taking away our opinion and that’s not right.

Anonymous said...

I think it shouldn’t matter what you have done in the past or if you have committed a crime or not, everyone has made mistakes. And if you go to prison or not your vote should matter, because you have only committed a crime and had a reason for that and you haven’t done anything to the government. Also it shouldn’t be up to the government who votes, it should be your decision whether you want to vote or not.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is okay to give them the right to vote because they did their time, they did what the law told them to do. I understand that there are serious crimes that make you think but they still have their own political views. The gun issue that Mrs. King referred to made me think, but voting won’t be like killing someone. Everybody should be able to vote because everyone one is living in the United States and it’s not fair because it’s like choosing favorites. Whether you are citizen or not of America you still have your own political views that have the right to be herd.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

INMATES shouldn't have the right to vote(witch i don't think they can anyway). but if you're just a felon and not in jail or prison then thats when i think it doesn't matter if they vote or not.
-And it is our decision if we want to vote!

Anonymous said...

Well what I think is that when someone does something to get in a lot of trouble and loses opportunities, they should also lose their rights to vote and not be able to decide what is good for our country. If they have not done nothing good while they where out here and now that they are out and free what makes us think that they are going to do good things. I would say that if you want to vote then be good and do good decisions. I think that illegal people or people without permission should be able to vote because, they live here they are working here and doing everything here.

Anonymous said...

I Think that 18 is a good age to vote even though some of the kids that can vote actually choose not to vote which I think is dumb because they can be that one vote that can change everything. If we let younger kids vote they wouldn’t know anything about democracy or anything of that nature. Another thing is letting immigrants vote because some of them might have been young when they came and now know about the government. Inmates should vote too because they are going to be out (some of them) because they maybe didn’t do something bad and the election will affect them.

Anonymous said...

I also think that 18 is a good age to be able to vote because thats when you legally become an adult and you become mature enough to vote. Because some people don’t even care about things like who the president is when they are younger. As for being able to vote after convicted of a felony. I think that after a person has paid for their crime they committed they then should have the right to vote again.

Anonymous said...

I believe that if you are a legal citizen of America that you should be able to vote. Eighteen is a good age to start to be allowed to vote. I also believe that if you have payed the price for the crimes you have committed that you should be allowed to help shape the place you live in.
If you are an illegal citizen of the United States, you are still affected by what happens in our politics. But to take place in them you need to be a legal citizen. I don’t think that that should change.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Steven. If the goal of incarceration is for the criminal to repay a debt to society, then it would make sense that when the debt is paid, (s)he would receive back freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.
But, if the goal of incarceration is rehabilitation, then freedoms would be returned when the person is "rehabilitated" - kind of subjective. Lots to think about.

Anonymous said...

I think that citizens that have committed a crime should not be able to vote until they are accepted back into society. I think that they should have at least a probation period after they are out of jail until they can vote again. People would be angry if they weren’t aloud to vote after they committed a crime, they would have no more freedom and not being able to vote is like not being a citizen of the United States and make them feel like outcasts. They should have a price to pay (jail time) then probation, and then being able to vote again. I do feel that immigrants should NOT be able to vote. They aren’t citizens of our country which doesn’t allow them the right.

Anonymous said...

I think that you should be able to vote when 15. It’s better to learn about the government when your younger, so then you can be prepared when you older. I also think that even if you have been convicted of a felony. You should still have another chance to regain yourself. I believe if you give voting rights back to the people with a crimmal record, they may turn out to be a different person at the end. People should give them the same rights just like everyone else in order to better those selves.


Anonymous said...

I agree with kendee you should be able to vote if you have committed a crime but only if you’re out of jail. I also think that 18 years old is a good age to vote because you either are out of high school or just about out of high school so they should be mature enough to vote.

Anonymous said...

I think that when a person gets out of jail because they convicted a crime should have the right to vote. A lot of people do change when they come out of jail. So I think that if they can’t have the right to vote, that will be another vote, they are losing. Also if they don’t give them the right to do anything the only thing that is going to go through there minds is that they are really going to try to change at all because the law is not going to give them much possibilities. And our country will lose a lot just by that person.

Anonymous said...

i dont agree with eric.... I think that the voting age of 18 is an age that is too young. The reason I think that 18 is not a good age to vote is because most kids are not mature enough to be voting at this age. They are still in high school and are not aware of the situations that are going on in the real world. They are still at the partying age. Don’t forget every vote counts. I think that 20 is a good age to vote because people have been in the real world and are no longer still in high school. They have been out of high school for a couple years and they have matured much more. They are also aware of all situations in everyday life.

Anonymous said...

I think that the people that have lost the privilege to vote and that have been rehabilitated back into society should be able to vote. They have done there sentence and have been released that’s why they should have a chance to vote. Voting is a big deal to the U.S.A that why every one should be able to vote.

Anonymous said...

I think the age of 18 is a good age to be allowed to vote because that is the age you are mature. Any age before that you don’t really pay attention to what is going on in the world. So in my opinion that is the best age to start voting.

Anonymous said...

I think that people in jail should have a right to vote when they get out because they were already punished. It’s the same as not letting them eat or drink because they in jail that’s not right. Yes I think immigrants have a right to vote only if they’ve been in the country for at least 3 years and only if they have not caused trouble.

Anonymous said...

I think that everyone should be able to vote because picking our president is very important. It is hard to stay up to date on the presidential election. We should at least know who do vote for. If you don’t care about voting then don’t vote. I think it is very important to vote.

Anonymous said...

I think that everyone should be able to vote because picking our president is very important. It is hard to stay up to date on the presidential election. We should at least know who do vote for. If you don’t care about voting then don’t vote. I think it is very important to vote.

Anonymous said...

Well, since voting is so important I don’t think that everyone should be able to vote. The reason for this is because people before they reach a mature age can be easily persuaded into making a choice by almost anybody. So if everybody was allowed to vote it could have some very bad consequences on the future of our country. Also it is important for all people that can vote too vote because every person past the legal age has the right to vote so they should vote.

Anonymous said...

i think felons shouldnt vote palin and simple

Anonymous said...

i meant felons should not vote. go mccain and palin!!!

Anonymous said...

I dont think villians should be able to vote. They did a crime so they should live with the crime!!

cody said...

i think that if you have a job, and if you are a legal citizen that you should be able to vote at the age of sixteen

ken the barbie doll said...

I think who ever watches t.v can vote

Anonymous said...

It is good to vote. Do it.

Anonymous said...


Francisco said...

I think every body should be allowed to vote, from 14 and on, because teenagers have a different way of thinking and seeing.

Anonymous said...

I believe that teenagers age 16 and older should be allowed to vote. At 16, and in some states 15 or even 14, you are allowed to get your driver’s license. You are given the responsibility to drive a large machine and put yourself and everyone on the road in danger. Voting, in my opinion, is less of a responsibility than putting lives in danger. People in prison should be allowed to vote also, because they are still U.S. citizens.

Anonymous said...

every body should vote whites blacks yellows and crimanals

Anonymous said...

We are all United States citizens of this country, so we all should have a say. Just because someone is older, young, middle aged, a criminal, homeless, or just a little slow, we are voting for a person to represent our country overseas. I don’t know about you, but that is a big deal to me. Now days, there isn’t a care for the government or how it works, what makes it happen, or who the president is. It’s a sad day when Americans stopped on the street can’t answer simple questions about our constitution, or basic questions about the presidents. Though, the only thing that needs to be a thing for voting is age. I think 18 is a good age. You are legally an adult, and you have more responsibility. You see more as you get older, so you have a more open mind, and you can compare the different beliefs of the different candidates. Everyone that can vote should.

Anonymous said...

I believe that only US citizens should have the right to vote. If you live here, but are not a citizen, you should not vote. You need to be a citizen to get these rights, if you do not like it then become one. I also think that some convicts can and should get their voting rights restored. After a certain amount of time being out in civilization and after rehabilitation they should be allowed to get their rights back if they want to do so. But this is for minor and nonviolent crimes. For violent criminals the standard should be much harder for them to be able to get their voting rights back, but for murderers, sex offenders, and rapists, they should never be allowed to have their voting rights back. They gave up their rights when they did those things. It is sending a message to the people saying that these people are punished and only under certain circumstances can they have their rights back, but they have to work hard to do so. It is also sending the message saying that if you something wrong there is a chance you will not get certain rights back, including voting rights.

Anonymous said...

Well I think that everyone has there own voice, as well as there own opinion. Being able to vote it is a gift, and maybe even a right. When I am able to vote I will definitely take advantage of it. I also feel that if the government will give you the opportunity to vote then you should most definitely. I know that most people in other countries don’t even get to voice there own opinion more or less vote. so when you reach the age of eighteen then you should have the right to vote no matter who you are.

Anonymous said...

I believe that anyone should have a right to vote. If you have been convicted of a crime and it wasn’t bad enough to keep you out for life, then once you have your rights back once you’re out. I also think that 18 years old is a good age to vote because you either are out of high school or just about out of high school so they should be mature enough to vote. I just believe that the ones who shouldn’t be able to vote are the ones who have committed crimes that keep them in prison for a long time.

Anonymous said...

I believe that if your I.Q. is under 100, you have mental disabilities, you are older than 18, and you must be a United States citizens. I am not one to judge voting capabilities; I am just one who takes advantage of my rights. I believe educated ex-cons, genius prodigies, and most emancipated students younger than 18 should be able to vote.

Anonymous said...

I think anyone who cares enough in our country should be allowed to vote. Because even though some people might seem to not have the right too they’re a part of this country and they need to be part of the electoral process. Isn’t it built on the foundation that everyone’s voice should be heard? Well I say let my people eat cake…I mean uh… let em vote!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Andrew, those with mental disabilities will not be able to know what is right for a country. Also, those that are older than 18, because then they will, hopefully, be more mature over the years. If they are younger then they should have someone vouch for them in saying that they are responsible, and are serious about this matter. However, I feel that as long as you live in the United States, you should be able to vote. As others have said before, it affects them, too.

Anonymous said...

Everyone that is a citizen of the United States should vote. Every person has the right to vote and should use the opportunity wisely. Not many people have the chance to vote so this is a huge privilege and you have the right to vote for who ever you believe will be a great president. The United States have many privileges unlike other nations that only allow men to vote. So go for what you believe in and take the chance that will not only affect you but the whole nation.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything that Mariah is saying. I think that you should be at least 18 years old, because kids under the age of 18 don’t really pay any attention the politics. I also agree with her that felons shouldn’t get to vote because they don’t following the laws. But I don’t agree with her that illegal citizens should have the right to vote. What if someone came to the United States, voted for president, and if they got caught for being an illegal citizen they could go to jail. Then they would be considered a felon.

Anonymous said...

I think that people chose to vote for many reasons. The first reason is because they would like to vote for the one who has more ideas, and who is also independent and has more ideas and a lot of things to look toward the future. Also the second reason would be to be very sympathetic about a lot of things that they would be interested in changing the world and most of it and everything that needs to be done. And the final reason would be to beable to vote I think that we would have to be figuring the right ideas to be able to vote right and to also be confident on whom we actually want to vote for and to find the right information to make sure that, that’s the one.

Anonymous said...

I think that people chose to vote for many reasons. The first reason is because they would like to vote for the one who has more ideas, and who is also independent and has more ideas and a lot of things to look toward the future. Also the second reason would be to be very sympathetic about a lot of things that they would be interested in changing the world and most of it and everything that needs to be done. And the final reason would be to beable to vote I think that we would have to be figuring the right ideas to be able to vote right and to also be confident on whom we actually want to vote for and to find the right information to make sure that, that’s the one.

Anonymous said...

Should a convicted felon vote? No! We vote on issues of extended sentences, stiffer fines and time served for committing crimes, crimes against the elderly like here in you really think a felon is going to actually vote yes on those ballot measures? And if enough vote, or if our filled prisons were to vote, what an absolutely scary thought...that people who break the law to the extent of being incarcerated could actually help through (the voting process) to lesson their own time or make a crime not be as punishable. Nope...they committed crimes against society or others, so they can not be trusted to make good decisions for the generaly welfare of others.

Anonymous said...

I think that every one eighteen years and older should be able to vote. I think that some high school are very immature and don’t under the importance of a good president. Also many teens don’t even care about the election. I am in 11th grade and I don’t really care about voting but I do care about who is the president.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with obama 101. Many 16 year olds are not involved in politics enough to know what is going on and to be an educated voter you need to know what is going on. In order to make your vote even count I think you need to know what is going on and really know each candidate. If you don’t, I personally believe it’s a waste of a vote. I think 16 is just too young to vote and the age of voting should remain at 18.

Anonymous said...

I am replying to Steven Williams. He was talking about how when the person get their freedom back, then they should also get all their rights back. I don’t agree, when he says that right after they get the freedom back that they get there rights back as well. I thing that they should be watch for awhile and then, after proving they are back on track, that they could get there rights back. He is right when he says they have paid for what they have done so they all should get the chance to get their rights back.

Anonymous said...

Response to Shandi: I think that you’re wrong and that you shouldn’t have to earn your right back. After serving your time in prison I think that they have pretty much already served their debt to society, which means that they have already earned it back. Anyways, I don’t think that being imprisoned is going to effect who you vote for. So I think that everyone, including ex-convicts, should get the chance to vote.

Anonymous said...

I agree with part of what Alejandro said on October 1, 2008. Not being aloud to vote tell you are 18 is a good idea and immigrants should have some input if they have gone through the process of becoming a legal American citizen then and only then should they be aloud to have a say in the election. Now comes the part that I do not agree with. Not everyone agrees on what serious is some people may think that stealing something is serious but its not so you should explain what you mean by serious because serious to me is like killing someone of being convicted of rape. So next time explain it a little more before you post it.

Anonymous said...

I totally disagree with Flowerpetal on many of these issues. First off, Illegal immigrants should NOT be allowed to vote. Illegal immigrants should be sent back to their countries and go through what they need to in order to become a citizen, before being allowed back. They should not have the same rights that citizens have, they are not citizens. It does not matter to me, if they are informed about what is going on or not, they should not have a say in our government if they are not even a citizen of our country. Next, criminal that are IN jail, should not get to vote while in jail. They are in there for a reason; they broke a law of OUR country and need to pay the consequences. Maybe next time they will think of the rights they are giving up when they do crimes. I believe that after they have served their time, and are put back into society, and after certain rehabilitation standards are set for each individual, and then they can try and get their voting rights back. Certain criminals should not EVER get their rights back. There is one thing I agree on though, lowering the voting age to 17, maybe even 16. Teenagers today are getting more and more involved in politics. They are more concerned than ever and are getting more concerned daily. They are trying to get involved and understand what is going on. They want to make sure there is a future for themselves and their children. I know that I am learning more and more about the politics and our economy everyday and it is very important. It is important everyone that can be involved in voting does, but do it right.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kim’s opinion. I believe that 18 is a great age for people to begin to vote because by this time they are mature enough to base their decisions on their own opinion, instead of what their friends think. I also agree that immigrants should not be able to vote until they have received citizenship. Once they have then they should be allowed full voting privileges.

Anonymous said...

My opion is that if someone that commited a crime and a felony should be a loud to vote either way, because whats the sense if your not able to vote even if your 18 yrs of age or older. Even if they are paying for there time in prison to me there is still no reason why prisoners should not beable to because there serving there time and all they need to know is who has the good ideas ready for them by the time they get out of prison. Because they do still have a voice to be heard if they could only vote, I also believe that those who are not citizens should still give the right to vote just because there from a different country does not mean they cant vote because there living in our country now and i think that they should be a loud to vote just like anyone else. And if they become citizens then it would be better for them.

Anonymous said...

I don’t agree with this statement because when you are 16 you really don’t know what is going on. I don’t think that when you are so involved in school and things such as I am, you know what’s going on. I don’t. I have my own opinions about the presidents because I have heard a few debates but not any clue what would be best for the country. We do know right from wrong but not when it comes to big decisions like something to do with a world we aren’t involved in yet. I agree with Alec on the voting rights for criminals. If they can’t make good decisions for themselves, how are they going to for the rest of the country?